Clubul Regal


08:30 - 09:00
Inscrierea participantilor
Sesiunea 1
Sesiunea 1: OCT and ICTA session
Dr. Alexandra Miere
- 09:15
OCTA in macula emergencies
Dr. Alexandra Miere
09:15 - 09:25
Rosa Dolz-Marco
09:25 - 09:35
Atypical OCT aspects in infeccious macular pathology (toxoplasmosis and Lyme disease)
Dr. Ianita Tzancova
09:35 -
Roberto Gallego Pinazo
09:45 - 10:00
Neha Goel
Sesiunea 2
Sesiunea 2: Neuro-opthalmology session
Dr. Ioana Gobej
10:00 - 10:10
Dr. Mihaela Bustuchina Vlaicu
10:10 - 10:20
Dr. Gordon Plant
10:20 - 10:27
Neuroretinitis – case presentation
Asist. univ. Dr. Sinziana Istrate
10:27 - 10:34
Interesting neuro-ophthalmology case
Dr. Ioana Gobej
10:34 - 10:41
Interesting neurosurgery case
Dr. Ionut Gobej
10:41 - 10:48
A neuro-ophthalmology case TBA
11:00 -
Sesiunea 3
Sesiunea 3: Excellence in eye surgery and surgical mentoring – session
Dr. Lukan Mishev
- 11:07
Ozana Moraru
11:07 - 11:14
Dr. Alina Gheorghe
11:14 - 11:21
Dr. Andreea Ciubotaru
11:21 - 11:28
Dr. Adrian Gavanescu
11:28 - 11:43
Dr. Stefan Oprea
11:43 - 11:58
complicated surgical cases
Andreea Ciubotaru
11:58 - 12:18
Interesting surgical cases
Asist. Univ. Dr. Emil Ungureanu
12:18 - 12:33
When anterior segment meets the posterior pole
Dr. Lukan Mishev
12:33 - 13:15
Excellence in surgery and surgical mentoring by AOTOA academy- Ashraf Armia,* the remaining time is reserved
- 14:00
Sesiunea 4
Sesiunea 4: Modern surgical treatment in glaucoma
Dr. Ike Ahmed
- 14:30
Dr. Ike Ahmed
14:30 - 14:40
Dr. Zeynep Aktas
14:40 - 14:50
Dr. Leon Au
14:50 - 15:00
Dr. Adrian Gavanescu
Sesiunea 5
Sesiunea 5: Excellence in ocupastic surgery
15:00 - 15:07
Spinocellular carcinoma in immunosuppresed report
Asist. univ. Dr. Sinziana Istrate
15:07 - 15:14
Metastatic behaviour of eyelid report
Roxana Scripca
15:14 - 15:29
Extensive full thickness eyelid reconstruction following tumor resection
Dr. Bianca Laslau
Dr. Catalina Dumitrescu
15:29 - 15:44
Thyroid eye disease
Dr. Dan Georgescu
- 16:15
Sesiunea 6
Sesiunea 6: Innovations in eye surgery
16:15 - 16:22
double flanged Canabrava suture
Dr. Sergio Canabrava
16:22 - 16:29
Flangeed IOL fixation
Dr. Shin Yamane
16:29 - 16:36
Dr. Aswin Agarwal
16:36 - 16:42
Dr. Lukan Mishev
16:42 - 16:49
Cataract surgery training -personal contributions
Asist. Univ. Dr. Emil Ungureanu
16:49 - 16:56
Punctate selective trabeculotomy with vitreotome
Dr. Adrian Gavanescu
16:56 - 17:03
Omni 720 in glaucoma surgery
Dr. Alexandru Placinta
17:03 - 17:10
Tran Canula in glaucoma surgery
Dr. Cosme Lavin Dapena
17:10 - 17:20
Innovations in eye surgery
Dr. Gustavo Huning
17:20 - 17:30
How to learn fast and rise your surgical outcomes. Innovations in mentoring for ophthalmo.surgeons
Dr. Ivo Ferreira